Embrace the Possibilities in Agility Handling

Clarity ~ Connection ~ Mastery


Join Now and Receive Over $5950 in value for Only $997 USD 

Agility Safety, Fun and Success with Clarity and Connection

Bring Out The Brilliance In Your agility teamwork!

Allow your dog to be the brilliant champion you know they can be. Agility can be safe, fun and successful for everyone. All it takes is the right combination of clear verbal and physical cues, and a program that protects the confidence of you and your dog. No matter what level or breed your dog is, they will step on the course with confidence and clarity, connected with you!

Handling360 teaches your dog how to:

  • Stay connected to you, whether you’re miles behind or right by their side.
  • Know exactly what to do ahead of time.
  • Grow confident and fast, with less mistakes!
  • All while having more fun when training or competing!

If you’re ready to bring out the brilliance in your dog, then we’re ready to show you EXACTLY how!


Handling360's Unique Approach Protects Your Confidence Every Step of the Way

Susan’s educational program has five focuses of approach to learning for both dogs and handlers:

  1. 1
    It's FUN! Your "lesson plans" are actually "game plans" that build confidence in you and your dog as they build understanding.
  2. 2
    You will want to practice! Progress happens when you practice at home. When your lessons are games, you will WANT to play!
  3. 3
    The layers of games create unconscious learning and you makes leaps of progress often before you realize you have moved forward!
  4. 4
    Mistakes are laughed at as a part of your "handling games!". Your dog doesn't become deflated and neither do you!
  5. 5
    You quickly see the improvements in your dog which inspires you to continue to put in more time "practicing" aka playing more games at home.

Susan’s educational program has five focuses of approach to learning for both dogs and handlers:

  1. 1
    It's FUN! Your "lesson plans" are actually "game plans" that build confidence in you and your dog as they build understanding.
  2. 2
    You will want to practice! Progress happens when you practice at home. When your lessons are games, you will WANT to play!
  3. 3
    The layers of games create unconscious learning and you makes leaps of progress often before you realize you have moved forward!
  4. 4
    Mistakes are laughed at as a part of your "handling games!". Your dog doesn't become deflated and neither do you!
  5. 5
    You quickly see the improvements in your dog which inspires you to continue to put in more time "practicing" aka playing more games at home.

Science has filled in the blanks for us. Handling360 provides an ideal learning environment for both ends of the leash. Humans learn best where confidence and self worth can grow. Educating dogs is no different. Gone are the days of repetitive drills or endless hours of luring in the hopes that a dog will learn to love what he's doing.

susan garrett

"We Believe The Road to Agility Success Is Through YOUR Backyard"


Handling360 is Made up of SIX Classrooms Each Delivering Their Own Results

When you join you'll receive the following
7 BONUSES valued at $1,950 USD

Online Group Coaching & Community Membership 

BONUS #1:  Online Group Coaching & Community Membership 

 Value: $800.00

Ask for clarification on any part of our Handling360 program. Just because you train at home doesn't mean you train alone! Feel supported 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Unlimited access to our Handling360 forums and our exclusive Handling360 Members Only Facebook group for support. Strategize and ask questions to other like-minded people who share the same goals and passion for agility as you do. Makes training at home more enjoyable, interactive and will speed up your dog agility improvements and confidence.

Agility Evaluator Tools for Speed, Training Session, Cue Tone

BONUS #2:  Agility Evaluator Tools for Speed, Training Session, Cue Tone

 Value: $100.00

It's for anyone looking to evaluate and improve your dog's top speed in agility... no matter how fast he may already be today. Perhaps you're looking to squeeze out a few more tenths of a second around a turn or maybe you’re just frustrated with seeing your dog run faster chasing other dogs than he runs with you in agility. These bonuses will give you a process for finding clarity so you can finally see your dog's TOP speed in agility on a consistent basis. You will get access to this program as soon as you complete your registration.

The Doggy A.D.D. Solution eBook

BONUS #3:  The Doggy A.D.D. Solution eBook

 Value: $50.00

It’s our most popular eBook, a manual to transform your dog from Hyper-distracted to Ultra Focused. Are you finding it difficult to keep your dog’s attention around agility? Maybe he’s too ‘over-the-top” with excitement or too distracted by other things in his environment. In this advanced training you’re going to learn how to get and keep your dog’s focus around the agility ring so that all you’ll need to worry about is remembering the course…rather than having to keep an eye on your dog.

Training in Small Spaces

BONUS #4: Training in Small Spaces

 Value: $100.00

In addition to the Speed Evaluator you’ll also get our Training-In-Small-Spaces Program. Have you ever wondered how you can get in your agility training session when you have no backyard or are visiting family in the City? In this short bonus program, we will show you step-by-step, how it’s done. After this, you’ll be immediately squeezing in EFFECTIVE training sessions no matter where you find yourself. This program will also be available to you once you complete your registration.

The Best of Momentum

BONUS #5:  The Best of Momentum

 Value: $200.00

When you join Handling360 this year you also get the "Momentum" Puppy Peak videos. A full year of watching Momentum's Puppy Peaks videos... all at no extra charge.

How cool is THAT...the "best of Momentum" videos for free included with your Handling360 membership. This really is the absolutely BEST time to join Handling360...no question about it…the lowest price we have ever offered and the biggest bonuses.

Puppy Pyramid eBook

BONUS #6:  Puppy Pyramid eBook

 Value: $100.00

The Puppy Pyramid truly is something we can't put a price on, it has never been released outside of Puppy Peaks before and has never been sold. If we were to put a price on this resource it would be $100 in combination with our puppy videos. This is THE guide Susan has used to direct the training of every new puppy or rescue dog that has ever come into her home. It’s a roadmap to success. This is an invaluable resource to go along with all of the "Momentum" Puppy Peak videos, giving you the ultimate guide to puppy success. Not only will the Puppy Pyramid guide your present training, but it will guide your future training with any puppy you have.

Essential Agility Library & RESOURCES

BONUS #7: Essential Agility Library & RESOURCES

 Value: $600.00

Immediate access to extra resources for your personal dog training library. These comprehensive resources are available nowhere else online and will grow during your Handling360 membership.

Join Handling360 and Receive Your Additional Bonuses

I'm Ready To Discover The Possibilities
As A Handling360 Member!

You Receive Membership To Our HANDLING360 2024
Program for a Full Year 

  • Instant access to 6 Handling360 Classrooms for a Full year (Value $4000)
  • Online Group COACHING & Community Membership (Value $800)
  • Agility Evaluator Tools for Speed, Training Session, Cue Tone (Value $100)
  • Doggy A.D.D. Solution eBook (Value $50)
  • Training in Small Spaces (Value $100)
  • The Best of Momentum Puppy Peaks (Value $200)
  • Puppy Pyramid eBook (Value $100)
  • Essential Agility RESOURCE Library (Value $600)

Total Value for Handling360: $5950.00

Yours For Only $997 USD Today

Choose your preferred option below,

and I’ll see you in Handling360 Connect!

--- BEST VALUE ---

Save 25% And

Join Today For $997 USD

Single Investment Of $997 USD

(Save $335 USD)



Join Today

For $111 USD

And Then 11 Installments Of $111 USD

(Total Investment Commitment of $1332 USD)


We have been educating worldwide for over 25 years and pioneered online dog training over a decade ago. Our programs are the gold standard, and we pride ourselves in creating an environment that is kind, caring and confidence building. Because we recognize that life can sometimes change unexpectedly, we offer everyone a full 30 day money back guarantee.

Click here to see a list of the questions mostly commonly asked about Handling360.  


We are committed to your success! Our dog training guarantee is a full 4 months. If you decide you'd like to focus on relationship building with your dog, we will pause Handling360 and transfer you to Recallers with a special backdoor opportunity. When you are ready to restart Handling360, you can jump back in where you left off to focus on your agility brilliance.

Click here to see a list of the questions mostly commonly asked about Handling360.  

We offer you a 30 day guarantee when you join Handling360 because we understand that life can change unexpectedly.

All transactions are in U.S. Dollars


Visit our Most Popular Questions section below to learn more about Handling360.  

Would you like to know more? Contact us at [email protected] and we will happily share all we know and love about Handling360 with you!

Why we have RAVING online fans!

Customer Happiness Team

Each member of our Customer Happiness team takes pride in exceeding your expectations because here at Say Yes, you are not a just a "student" you are family! Our goal of spreading reinforcement based training to dog owners world wide begins with you.

Mobile Friendly

We encourage you to keep Handling360 close by while you train. That's why we made sure it looks fantastic on your phone or tablet as well as your computer.

Supportive Online Community

An engaged and supportive community of like-minded, caring people means working at home means never working alone. Connecting with other members of our community and interacting with our Handling360 coaches are just two more ways we help you.

Global Appeal

Science based dog training where the well being of the dog is put above any performance outcome goals. Students from more than 86 countries world wide have taken part in one or more of our online classes! With over 110,000 Facebook Followers, we take pride in actively enriching the lives of dogs lovers world wide!

Proven & Trusted Online Education

The same educator you have grown to rely on for your reinforcement based dog training education. Susan Garrett has a long track history of success. From her award winning books and DVDs to her many online programs. Education brought to you by dog lovers, for dog lovers.

Easy to Learn with Us

Access your education in two different formats; Video lessons that you can watch and re-watch as many times as you like and downloadable PDF Lesson Plans. Susan’s coaching is available to you 365 days a year 24/hours a day!

Over 10 years Of Proven Success...
We Love Our Handling360 Members And They Love Us!

One of the best things about Handling360 is the dog training. Handling360 comes from one of the best dog trainers in the world and most people don't even realize it... and I think that is my favorite part!

Ginsey St. Croix, Atlanta, GA

We wouldn't be where we are today if it wasn't for Susan and "Say Yes"! I've learned lots about agility, but more importantly I've learned so much about dogs, dog behavior & how to be a better person for my dogs. Thank you Susan for doing all that you do and for continuing to inspire & help so many dog lovers out there.

Shelly, Pennsylvania, USA

They just shine with whatever it is that immersion in the "Do-Land" community creates... whether in Handling360, Recallers, or Puppy Peaks. Supers stars, indeed, and that shine sets us all aglow with the belief that yes, we can do it too!

Karla, Virginia, USA

I am just so grateful to you Susan and your Say Yes team. You have been so amazing in helping me connect to my dogs and the people around me. Thank you one and all. I am so happy and grateful to be a tiny blob within this huge circle of tremendous help and love.

Barbara, Virginia, USA

3 years ago I would not have believed that a simple online dog training course would not only change the life of my dogs but also my own one. And being grateful for what I have is for sure the most important change. Looking for the good things in dogs instead of the failures trained me to also see all the good things in my life.

Silke, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

I made the second half of my agility journey with Cody using Susan Garrett's handling methods. The first half consisted of a lot of frustration on my part - not Cody's - he was always game and never took anything personally. I couldn't keep up with him and had no way of telling him what I needed from him… Enter H360, which my instructor started teaching and I joined, and Cody and I developed a wonderful working relationship, finally getting our startline stays, and, with the use of good timing on predictive cues we developed great teamwork.

Jan Flatten, WA – USA

Before joining Handling360, I didn't know what to do. My dog was running out of the ring, we had no confidence as a team and were ready to stop agility until we found a solution. We found H360 and learning through layers of training and understanding, we have gained many achievements after just one year. H360 has made me a better dog trainer and allowed me to have a confident relationship with my dog. I can now go into an agility competition with confidence because of how our training has created understanding and a much more trusting relationship with my dog. Thankyou, Susan and the Say Yes team!

Clover Ward, Tasmania, Australia

OMG! My Ozzie was diagnosed with Addison's disease last year. I thought "our" career would be over. But with the right medications we got right back at it with H360! We are now in Elite in Nadac, Specialist in Docna, and after only 5 AKC trials we are now in Open for Standard and JWW. Picture is from his first AKC trial a few months ago.

Thyra Powers, Colorado, USA

And that’s why our Handling360 program gets results!

Meet The Handlers

Meet Courtney

Meet Gabriella

Meet Andrea

Your Most Popular Questions Answered Below

Is Handling360 The Online Agility Classroom For Me?

Can I Gift Handling360?

How Is Handling360 Different? 

I Just Don't Know If All These Verbals Are For Me?

CEU’s You Asked We Received!

How Much Time Do I Need To Commit To Handling360?

Can I Play With More Than One Dog In Handling360?

What If I'm More Advanced?

Is This Suitable For Puppies?

How Long Do I Have To Decide If I Want To Do Handling360?

When Does Handling360 Start?

How Will I Know Where To Start?

Do I Get Access To The Entire Program All At Once?

What If I'm Not Ready Now? Will You Be Offering H360 Again In A Few Months?

Will I Get One-On-One Coaching Or Feedback From Susan?

Why Is This Program In U.S. Funds?

Can I Buy Only One Classroom? Like Coursework?

If I decide on the extended plan option for my membership, what is the payment frequency?

What If I Don't Like Handling360? Do You Have A Refund Policy?

How long do I have access to Handling360?

What is the Difference Between Handling360 and Agility Nation?

Still Need Questions Answered?

If for some reason you don’t see your question, email our Support team at [email protected] so we can assist you!

Meet Susan Garrett: Dog Lover, Educator, Innovator

Susan Garrett's interest in animal behaviour started at the University of Guelph where she earned a Bachelor of Science. Since then she as developed into a pre-eminent canine sports instructor and competitor. Susan is one of the most successful agility competitors of the last two decades. She has accumulated a total of 38 National and World Championship wins covering 7 different jump heights (8", 10", 12", 16", 22", 24" & 26"). In total her dogs have more than 50 top ten placements at National Agility Championships, and have won Gold Medals at all three major World Championships; the FCI, the WAO and the IFCS events. The Dog Writers Association of America named Susan’s book "Shaping Success: as the 2005 "Dog Training and Behaviour Book of the Year".

A natural teacher and an entertaining speaker, Susan is a leading educator of dog trainers. Her understanding of how to apply learning principles to practical and competitive dog training has made her a much sought after speaker world wide.

What it all comes down to is this, Susan loves dogs, when a dog comes into her home, it stays for life. Her focus is always to raise family pets who’s main priority are to be amazing life long companions first and talented performance dog a distant second.

 "Although the championship wins throughout my career have been nice, for me the real joy comes from taking a dog, who once had challenges and bringing confidence and joy to that dog through agility. That is what I love most about this sport and that is what I know Handling360 can bring to you and your dog."

We Love Being A Part of Your Journey

A Proven & Trusted Online Education

Educating worldwide for over 20 years, and now in our 14th year of providing dog owners around the globe with an online platform to immerse themselves in positive reinforcement based training. The success and happiness of our students is the yardstick we use to measure our success. Most of our students join our programs and find themselves so much at home, that they return year after year.

You Receive Membership To Our HANDLING360 2024
Program for a Full Year 

  • Instant access to 6 Handling360 Classrooms for a Full year (Value $4000)
  • Online Group COACHING & Community Membership (Value $800)
  • Agility Evaluator Tools for Speed, Training Session, Cue Tone (Value $100)
  • Doggy A.D.D. Solution eBook (Value $50)
  • Training in Small Spaces (Value $100)
  • The Best of Momentum Puppy Peaks (Value $200)
  • Puppy Pyramid eBook (Value $100)
  • Essential Agility RESOURCE Library (Value $600)

Total Value for Handling360: $5950.00

Yours For Only $997 USD Today

Choose your preferred option below,

and I’ll see you in Handling360 Connect!

--- BEST VALUE ---

Save 25% And

Join Today For $997 USD

Single Investment Of $997 USD

(Save $335 USD)



Join Today

For $111 USD

And Then 11 Installments Of $111 USD

(Total Investment Commitment of $1332 USD)


We have been educating worldwide for over 25 years and pioneered online dog training over a decade ago. Our programs are the gold standard, and we pride ourselves in creating an environment that is kind, caring and confidence building. Because we recognize that life can sometimes change unexpectedly, we offer everyone a full 30 day money back guarantee.

Click here to see a list of the questions mostly commonly asked about Handling360.  


We are committed to your success! Our dog training guarantee is a full 4 months. If you decide you'd like to focus on relationship building with your dog, we will pause Handling360 and transfer you to Recallers with a special backdoor opportunity. When you are ready to restart Handling360, you can jump back in where you left off to focus on your agility brilliance.

Click here to see a list of the questions mostly commonly asked about Handling360.  

We offer you a 30 day guarantee when you join Handling360 because we understand that life can change unexpectedly.

All transactions are in U.S. Dollars


Visit our Most Popular Questions section below to learn more about Handling360.  

Would you like to know more? Contact us at [email protected] and we will happily share all we know and love about Handling360 with you!

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