Special Agility Bundle
Handling360 + Agility Nation

With Agility Nation create incredible OBSTACLE and PERFORMANCE skills for both you and your dog to SHINE.

With Handling360 bring out the BEST in your dog, increase CONFIDENCE, and achieve your agility GOALS.

The Most Comprehensive Agility Training Available Online!


Agility Nation is a resource of excellence. With new, fresh, innovative training ideas, you and your dog will shine! Each Monday a topic with content encompassing “all things agility” will be ready for you. A complete agility training system involves more than just handling. Agility Nation will give you and your dog an advantage beyond the average team.

Effective agility teams give focus to both handling and skills. Agility Nation's comprehensive library of physical fitness, obstacle mastery, fresh training ideas and Susan's private online workshops, brings brilliance into agility foundation and troubleshooting for you and your dog.

Every Monday we bring you something new related to the dog training of agility! 

Clear handling Brings Out The Brilliance In Your Dog!

Allow your dog to be the brilliant champion you know he can be. All it takes is the right combination of clear verbal and physical cues! No matter what level or breed your dog is, they will step on the course with confidence and clarity, connected with you!

Handling360 teaches your dog how to:

  • Stay connected to you, whether you’re miles behind or right by their side.
  • Know exactly what to do ahead of time.
  • Grow confident and fast, with less mistakes!
  • All while having more fun when training or competing!

Grow your handling skills and relationship with your dog so you can take on any agility course with confidence as a connected team!

What Our Alumni Say About Handling360 With Agility Nation

Why our students love the combination of Handling360 and Agility Nation

Agility Nation is total sweet sauce – and just what you need to teach everything agility apart from handling (which Handling360 covers more than thoroughly already).

From amazing foundation to obstacle performance, body awareness, to contact training and perfect weaves.. complimented by a pinch of spice - discussing handling choices on international courses with a world champion and first class dog trainer – it’s like going to Susan’s seminars live.

Sandra Germany

These topics bring forward reminders of specific techniques that I can use to sharpen the skills my dogs and I may already have developed from Handling 360. These are things that you can go out right now, today, and do. It is always an insightful session when you watch Susan train her dogs. Agility Nation Mondays also provide added motivation for me to get out and “do the work” to get the results I want for my dogs.

Susan - USA

Handling 360 is THE answer for those with busy lives still looking to train your dogs. This program teaches you that you can accomplish GREAT things in just a few short sessions. Love love love this program! Agility nation seems to have filled in all my remaining training holes for agility. The information here also opened up my eyes to all those “other” things that are apart of agility such as nutrition and fitness – human and dog and the mental game. Mondays are now the best day of the week!

Sam - Canada

Real Stories Of Overcoming Agility Training Challenges

Bev & Winnie, Bobby and Bertie

Cathy & Axel

Jenny & Oliver, Electra, Fury and Dreamy

Real Stories Of Overcoming Agility Training Challenges

Bev & Winnie, Bobby and Bertie

Cathy & Axel

Jenny & Oliver, Electra, Fury and Dreamy

"We Believe The Road to Agility Success Is Through YOUR Backyard" ~ Susan Garrett

Enjoy a Replay of Susan's Live Chat about Handling360 and Agility Nation

Combining H360 and Agility Nation is the whole Agility Package!

In Agility Nation a New Weekly Training Topic Opens EVERY Monday for You!


First Monday

The Workshop

Second Monday

5 Minute Trainer

Third Monday

Body Works

Fourth Monday

Behind The Scenes

Fifth Monday



FIRST Monday ~ Back-Yardin'

  • The first Monday of every month is Back-Yardin’!
  • Back-Yardin’ set ups are for your home backyard training. This lesson could be from one our weekly classes here at Say Yes, or it could be sequences from an international instructor or even YOU! The common thread is that a specific skill is highlighted each month and it is an easy set up!
  • As an added bonus, you also gain immediate access to our full Featured Course Library. Previous to Back-Yardin’ we had judges from around the world share a course with our community, and their judging experience on that course. The Featured Courses are all archived in our library and available for you.

sECOND Monday ~ the workshop

  • A private online workshop with Susan on skill sets, mind set, and interesting dog training opportunities!
  • The step by step process to build a new agility skill or improve a current one.
  • Susan trains her own dogs and coaches others in these comprehensive dog training workshops.
  • Each workshop will give you the details for training the skill and give you the confidence to train in the comfort of your own home or back yard.
  • Susan's training focus in The Workshop comes with an audio download and a PDF download for your agility training library.

tHIRD Monday ~ 5 minute trainer

  • 5 Minute Trainer will cover hot topics to do with agility, be it handling or training.
  • An "easy" 5 minute session for you to train with your dogs!
  • Special guests and Susan share games they play that are fun and different to solve challenges in a refreshing new way.
  • Simple training exercises that will help you grow complex agility skills so you may shine in the agility arena.
  • Your 5 Minute Trainer is designed to be something you can do in a small area and with minimal setup!

fOURTH Monday ~ Body Works

  • In Body Works we share how to improve the overall health and wellness of your dog and yourself!
  • Fresh ideas using minimal equipment for teaching your dog (and yourself) how to be in the best physical and mental conditioning for agility.
  • Work on improving your dog's strength, flexibility, coordination, balance, and multi-tasking skills.
  • With jump grids, tricks, cool new body awareness exercises, and more, Body Works will have something for everyone.

FIFTH Monday ~ Behind the Scenes

  • Every 5th Monday! In Behind the Scenes, a special topic comes your way. Susan’s secrets of what she thinks is critical to take your agility game to the next level.
  • The "what" of Susan's life with her dogs and agility training!
  • A behind the scenes look at Susan's favourite things, and interesting tidbits of information that can't be found anywhere else!
  • Topics that cover never shared before elements on why Susan has success with all her dogs in agility.


  • Sur·prise - Noun: an unexpected or astonishing event, fact, or thing.
  • Susan is all about surprises. When you least expect an online gift will arrive for you to visit in Agility Nation.
  • This could be a dog training idea or an extra ebook ... "Surprises" is where these extra gifts will be.

Layers of Learning

Handling360 is Made up of SIX Classrooms Each Delivering Their Own Results

#1 Prep School

#2 Flatwork

#3 Blueprint

#4 Triple Double

#5 G.P.S.

#6 Coursework

#1 Prep School

  • Create great focus for work in your dog.
  • Prep School has a foundation lesson built just for you! All important training layers for brand new dogs to agility or the seasoned world team dogs.
  • Teach your dog exciting games of arousal to plant the seeds of clear thinking while in drive.
  • Start here with Susan’s dog training foundations, layers in learning for all future classrooms.
  • Struggling with a training concept? Fill a gap with Prep School.
  • Prep School is where you learn the vital dog training concepts that apply to not just agility, but life with your dog.

#2 Flatwork

  • The important nuances and skills building needed to grow as a handler in empowering lessons.
  • Lessons are specific to techniques on how to master drive, control and connection.
  • Fast and Fun but also simple exercises, that can all be executed in a small work area… consider your living room is now your training hall!
  • Bring clarity to your dog and watch the complex become simple with our fun, game based approach.
  • The critical foundations of flatwork layer confidence and understanding as you PLAY your way through!
  • Practice handling mechanics and verbals without a jump. Develop teamwork and rhythm on the flat.


  • Grow your Flatwork skills over two agility obstacles... this is real handling.
  • Combining all the Flatwork skills and now the magic of handling is being achieved.
  • Accelerate your handling skills in a small area using no more than a couple jumps or a tunnel!
  • Handling mechanics meet agility obstacles.
  • Rapid success through handling games both dog and handler LOVE!
  • After these powerful lessons you and your dog will have all of the tools to handle agility challenges with ease!


  • Progressing your dog's speed and your ability to give handling cues at speed.
  • The "Missing Link to Masters". Most agility classes miss this critical transition from short sequences to course work...we focus on it!
  • Unique Young Dog Training Formula - these lessons plans created specifically to teach a young dog how to move and LISTEN at SPEED!
  • Hidden benefit of better jumping and turning skills while in drive!
  • Elevate your dog's confidence and trust in you, as his handler, to an all time high!
  • Become confidently prepared to advance to the complexity of running ANY agility course!
  • Exciting games of speed for you and your dog.

#5 G.P.S.

  • G.P.S. Growing Practical Skills to round out your handling education.
  • Short sequences that maximize the understanding of course running.
  • Focus on mastering one sequence at a time for success on a full course.
  • Handling training with high rates of reinforcement to grow practical skill sets.
  • Refine foundations to build your confidence while handling.
  • Sequences guaranteed to teach you to keep connection on course.


  • Moving to performance combining your handling skills and your dog's clarity as now you have the ability to run real world agility courses.
  • Watch your confidence skyrocket with our strategically planned progressions to handling.
  • Course walking strategies to simplify even the most complicated courses.
  • Clarity through side by side, and slow motion video analysis.
  • Decision making approaches to enhance your confidence and trust in both yourself and your dog!
  • Understanding in handling that excites you to confidently tackle any agility course.

I'm Ready To Move Up The Ladder Of Agility Mastery

Comprehensive Agility Handling and Agility Skills Training

  • Instant Access to Your Handling360 Connect Program
  • Bonus Video Series Coaching and Community Membership
  • Agility Evaluator Tools for Speed, Balance, Cue Tone and Record Keeping Tools
  • Doggy A.D.D. Solution eBook 
  • Training in Small Spaces
  • The Best of Momentum Puppy Peaks
  • Puppy Pyramid eBook 
  • Essential Agility Library and Resources
  • Year long coaching, lesson plans done for you, PDF downloads
  • Automatic access to anything new upcoming for Handling360 Connect
  • Instant Access to the Current Agility Nation Library
  • 6 Years of Topics ~ Currently Over 300 and Growing Weekly
  • Special Editions of Susan's Contact Training from the Ground Up
  • A NEW Agility Related Topic Opens Every Monday
  • Video, Audio and Written Support for Your Learning
  • Each Video has Downloadable Audio MP3 for Offline Learning
  • Q & A Forum with our Contributors and Agility Nation Coaches
  • Access to the Agility Nation Community Forums and Closed Facebook Group


Are you ready to experience agility teamwork with ease and fun? 

  • Handling360 Classroom (Store Price: $1,797 USD)
  • Agility Nation Membership (Store Price: $1,068 USD)

Total: $2,865 USD

Save 54%! Yours For Only $1,297 USD Today

Choose your preferred option below, and I'll see you in Handling360 and Agility Nation!

Save 14% And Join Today For $1,297 USD

Single Investment Of $1,297 USD
(Save $185 USD with a Single Investment)

Join Today For $247 USD
And Then 5 Installments Of $247 USD
(Total Investment Commitment of $1,482 USD)

We offer you a 30 day guarantee when you join Handling360 + Agility Nation Bundle because we understand that life can change unexpectedly.

All transactions are in U.S. Dollars


Visit our Most Popular Questions section below to learn more about Handling360 and Agility Nation.  

Would you like to know more?  Contact us at [email protected] and we will happily share all we know and love about Handling360 and Agility Nation with you!

Why we have RAVING online fans!

DogsThat Team

Each member of our DogsThat Team takes pride in exceeding your expectations because here at DogsThat, you are not a just a "student" you are family! Our goal of spreading reinforcement based training to dog owners world wide begins with you.

Mobile Friendly

We encourage you to keep Handling360 and Agility Nation close by while you train. That's why we made sure it looks fantastic on your phone or tablet as well as your computer.

Supportive Online Community

An engaged and supportive community of like-minded, caring people means working at home means never working alone. Connecting with other members of our community and interacting with our coaches are just two more ways we help you.

Global Appeal

Science based dog training where the well being of the dog is put above any performance outcome goals. Students from more than 86 countries world wide have taken part in one or more of our online classes! With over 120,000 Facebook Followers, we take pride in actively enriching the lives of dogs lovers world wide!

Proven & Trusted Online Education

The same educator you have grown to rely on for your reinforcement based dog training education. Susan Garrett has a long track history of success. From her award winning books and DVDs to her many online programs. Education brought to you by dog lovers, for dog lovers.

Easy to Learn with Us

Access your education in different formats; Video lessons that you can watch and re-watch or listen to as many times as you like and downloadable PDF Lesson Plans. Susan’s coaching is available to you 365 days a year 24/hours a day!

Your Most Popular Questions Answered Below

Is Handling360 The Online Agility Classroom For Me?

Can I Gift Handling360 and Agility Nation?

How Is Handling360 Different?

I Just Don't Know If All These Verbals Are For Me?

How Much Time Do I Need To Commit To Handling360?

How Much Time Do I Need To Commit To Agility Nation?

What If I'm More Advanced?

Is This Suitable For Puppies?

How Long Do I Have To Decide If I Want To Do Handling360 with Agility Nation Bundle?

When Does Handling360 and Agility Nation Start?

How Will I Know Where To Start?

Do I Get Access To The Entire Program All At Once?

What If I'm Not Ready Now? Will You Be Offering H360 with Agility Nation Again In A Few Months?

Will I Get One-On-One Coaching Or Feedback From Susan?

Are my credit/debit card details secure?

Why Is This Program In U.S. Funds?

If I decide on the extended plan option for my membership, what is the payment frequency?

What If I Don't Like Handling360 with Agility Nation ? Do You Have A Refund Policy?

How long do I have access to Handling360 with Agility Nation bundle?

I am already an Agility Nation member. What happens to my current subscription?

Is this the same as the H360/AN Alumni Opportunity?

Still Need Questions Answered?

Susan Garrett: Dog Lover, Educator, Innovator

Susan Garrett's interest in animal behaviour started at the University of Guelph where she earned a Bachelor of Science. Since then she as developed into a pre-eminent canine sports instructor and competitor. Susan is one of the most successful agility competitors of the last two decades. She has accumulated a total of 38 National and World Championship wins covering 7 different jump heights (8", 10", 12", 16", 22", 24" & 26"). In total her dogs have more than 50 top ten placements at National Agility Championships, and have won Gold Medals at all three major World Championships; the FCI, the WAO and the IFCS events. The Dog Writers Association of America named Susan’s book "Shaping Success: as the 2005 "Dog Training and Behaviour Book of the Year".

A natural teacher and an entertaining speaker, Susan is a leading educator of dog trainers. Her understanding of how to apply learning principles to practical and competitive dog training has made her a much sought after educator and speaker world wide.

What it all comes down to is this, Susan loves dogs, when a dog comes into her home, it stays for life. Her focus is always to raise family pets who’s main priority are to be amazing life long companions first and talented performance dog a distant second.

 "Although the championship wins throughout my career have been nice, for me the real joy comes from taking a dog, who once had challenges and bringing confidence and joy to that dog through agility. That is what I love most about this sport and what I know Handling360 and Agility Nation bring to you and your dog."

A Proven & Trusted Online Education

Educating worldwide for over 25 years, and now well over a decade online of providing dog owners around the globe with a platform to immerse themselves in positive reinforcement based training. The success and happiness of our students is the yardstick we use to measure our success. Most of our students join our programs and find themselves so much at home, that they return year after year.

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