We'll Walk Through With You!

Fun Match Guided Walk Through


Step 1 - Open your Game Board to play.


Step 2 - Start on Jump 1 on Game Board 1.  

Clicking Jump 1 takes you to ACTIVATE your board. 


Step 3 - If you have already activated your board, you will be sent to the main Agility Play Page when you click on Jump 1. 

Once you are activated, click on Jump 2 on the Game Board and play through the obstacles in order.

Clicking a numbered agility obstacle will open the ACTION item written on the note that is closest to that obstacle on the Game Board.


Step 4 - The Game Board "checkboxes" are not interactive. You can be creative with keeping track with pen and paper, or printing your Game Board and using a marker, or saving the PDF and using one of the great APPS for writing on PDF’s - Skitch is easy to use!  You could also take a digital photo of your Game Board, and use an image editor to mark off your progress. There are many tips from game players on all the above options in our Facebook Group. Share what you are doing!


Step 5 - Save your Game Board by bookmarking it, saving it in a special file, or putting it on your desktop. If you have saved it to your phone and can’t find it, you can get it again on the Agility Play Page. 


Step 6 - For the "Fun Match" component of the game, you manually tally your Bonus Dog Bone Cookies. You will find the cookies noted on your Game Board, with the actions items telling you how many cookies to include when you complete that action. Also, keep track of any extra cookies earned along the way and include them in your final tally. Remember, you keep track of your own "Fun Match" cookie tally, and you can do this any way you wish.


Step 7 - Take a picture when you complete your board and feel free to post to the Free Facebook group

IMPORTANT: Watch Susan’s Judge’s Briefing on the Agility Play Page. You can also follow along with Susan’s lives on the Agility Play Page here.

Agility Competition Points
Guided Walk Through

Playing through the Game Board is the same as above for the "Fun Match", but for the Agility Competition component, we keep track of your points.


Step 1 - On the top of the Agility Game pages is a Facebook share button surrounded by a red dashed border - click to share and earn points toward the Competition.  The other share buttons on the Agility Game earn 1 point for each person who has joined the Agility Game from your sharing. You’ll earn 60 bonus points for activating your Game Board.

(The Judges Briefing on the Agility Play Page is an important video to watch!)


Step 2 - Check the leaderboard that is linked on the Agility Play Page and it will show your points progress.

The Game Ends at Midnight on February 21, 2019
